Ddizi DMCA Policy

The DMCA is a law that protects the rights of those who own copyrights, making it illegal to copy, distribute, or create new works from their material without their consent.


Our Commitment to Copyright Protection

To maintain a safe environment, Ddizi has a DMCA Policy for addressing copyright concerns. This policy outlines how to report any suspected copyright infringements.


What to Consider Before Submitting a DMCA Notice

Ensure you have the rights to the material or proper authorization before submitting a copyright notice. If you’re uncertain, seeking legal advice from an attorney is recommended.


Filing a DMCA Complaint

Should you find any content on Ddizi that you think infringes on your copyright, you can submit a DMCA Notice to our designated agent to have it reviewed.


To file a DMCA Notice, please include the following information:

When filing a DMCA Notice, you need to provide:

  1. A physical or electronic signature from someone authorized to act for the copyright owner.
  2. Information about the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed.
  3. Identification of the infringing material on Ddizi, including specific URLs.
  4. Your contact details (address, phone number, and email).
  5. A statement asserting your belief that the use is unauthorized.
  6. A confirmation that the provided information is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Processing DMCA Notices

All validly submitted DMCA Notices will be reviewed as per DMCA regulations. If we confirm a copyright infringement, we will act accordingly, which could include removing or disabling the infringing material.



Should you find that material removed or restricted in response to a DMCA Notice is not infringing, or if you think you were incorrectly accused of copyright infringement, you can submit a counter-notification.


Changes to This Policy

We have the right to alter this DMCA Policy as necessary. Updates will be posted on the Ddizi platform, and continuing to use the platform means you accept the revised policy.


Reporting Copyright Infringement

Should you believe that content on Ddizi violates your copyright, you should send a DMCA Notice to the designated agent mentioned above.

Please note: this policy is a sample and may require changes to comply with local laws. It’s advisable to seek legal advice.